
Donations are an important source of income for Styx and the generosity of various organisations and the general public alike allow us to continually upgrade our facilities and extend the range of activities on offer. There is always more we can do and so are very grateful for any support we receive


Volunteers are an integral part of life at Styx Centre. We are very fortunate to have several fantastic volunteers helping us to achieve our Mission.  If you would like to help by raising money, running an event or offering your skills we would love to hear from you.


Philanthropy is a very personal thing. Whether you’re a grant-making trust, foundation or an individual interested in supporting Styx Centre, we are delighted to take the time to work with you and identify projects and activities that inspire you as much as they do us.

We will happily arrange for you to come and see the work that we are doing,if you are interested in learning more about it. This way, you and your family or fellow trustees can see the difference your gift or grant will make to us and our Centre Community.

Please do get in touch.

Environmental & Social Governance

Do you have employees who would like to share a skill with us and get involved with our community programme?

Would you like to raise money for Styx Centre, its Community and the expansion project?

Can you help us by providing a volunteer workforce at some point?

Please do get in touch with Anne Thomas our Centre Manager on 267319 or email


Do you have a particular skill that you are willing to teach or share your knowledge of, with others? Perhaps it’s just a passion for something interesting.

Either way, you could maybe help out, hold workshops or information evenings for others to benefit from. Please get in touch if so!

Current ideas: Euchre for beginners, card & board games session, parish walking group, crafting sessions

Procurement Support

Styx Centre is an independent charity that relies on fundraising and self-generated income to operate and maintain the premises.

The level of funds required for re-modelling and improving the external areas following our purchase of the adjoining field for Community Use, are a huge undertaking for us. If you feel that you’d like to help support the Centre by way of charitable giving, donating or sponsoring any supply items that are required for our community expansion work, then please do get in touch as we’d be super pleased to hear from you! .